Data Science and Analytics (BS)

Learning Outcomes

  1. Select from, use, and interpret results of descriptive statistical methods effectively.
  2. Select from, use, and interpret results of the principal methods of data science and analytics.
  3. Communicate the results of analyses accurately and effectively, in writing, orally and visually.
  4. Make appropriate use of relevant software, using and modifying standard techniques.
  5. Apply principles of leadership and reproducible research to make responsible decisions involving privacy, data management, and scientific rigor.
  6. Demonstrate the ability to plan, manage, and document moderately sized projects.



Program Requirements

Core Courses

NOTE: Students with strong backgrounds in either Introductory Statistics or Calculus, as determined by the placement test or AP score, may place out of STAT 118 and/or MATH 120 respectively.

CS 112Introduction to Computer Science


MATH 120Calculus I


MATH 211Linear Algebra


STAT 118Introductory Statistics


STAT 228Introduction to Data Science


Programming Depth (2 courses)

CS 214Data Interoperability



LIS 487Data Interoperability


CS 221Database Management Systems


Statistical Depth (2 courses)

STAT 239Regression Models


STAT 338/MATH 338Probability


Mathematical Depth (2 courses)

MATH 121Calculus II


MATH 220Multivariable Calculus



Capstone (1 course)

STAT 346Machine Learning


Typical Sequence for students majoring in Data Science and Analytics:


First Year

CS 112, MATH 120, STAT 118 and STAT 228


Second Year

STAT 239, CS 214/LIS 487, MATH 121 and MATH 220


Third Year

CS 221, MATH 211, STAT 338*


Fourth Year

CS 346/STAT 346STAT 338*


*STAT 338 in the third or fourth year depending on the offering schedule. Students starting the major in their second year will combine the third and fourth year programs.

Honors in Data Science and Analytics

In order to receive Honors in Data Science and Analytics a student must:

1. Maintain superior academic performance as indicated by a GPA of 3 .5 or higher in major and concentration courses taken at Simmons University.

2. Conduct independent research through the successful completion of an NSF-REU or similar research program or by completion of a thesis or project supervised within the Program which receives a grade of A- or A.

3. Communication of the work by presentation to the Program or another approved forum.