Applied Spanish (BA)

Core Requirements

The major consists of at least 32 semester hours, including a capstone project. 

Study abroad is encouraged since it allows for a full immersion experience in a Spanish-speaking culture.

16 credits must be taken in the Department, including 4 credits upon their return.

Linguistic Competence

Complete the following courses, or indicate if you are placed into a higher level. Prerequisites are SPAN 101 and SPAN 102.

SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I


SPAN 202Intermediate Spanish II


SPAN 245Conversation & Composition


Applied Spanish In Professional Settings Competence

Complete the following courses. Prerequisite is SPAN 245.

  • SPAN 204 Spanish For The Professions
  • SPAN 380 Migrant In The City: Fieldwork Seminar On Puerto Rican Culture 4
  • SPAN ___  Introduction to Translation Practices 4

Advanced Analytical and Cultural Competence

Complete a minimum of 3 advanced courses for students who start at the lowest level (SPAN 201) and a minimum of two courses from the Professional section.

SPAN 270 Contemporary Issues in Spain

SPAN 310Making of Spain: Studies in Spanish Culture


SPAN 312Introduction to Latin American Culture and Civilization


SPAN 314Hispanic Culture as Seen Through Film


SPAN 336Latin American Women Writers


SPAN 395Seminar: Special Topics in Spanish



Students will fulfill the capstone requirement with either an internship or a scholarly project.

  • INTERNSHIP: Students will get practical experiential learning in internship settings. Students will write
    reports on their experiences related to Spanish and work on a final project related to their experience
    during the semester.
  • SCHOLARLY PROJECT: Students can opt for a capstone based on research about a topic related to the
    content of an advanced 300-level course. This option will be available for students interested in
    sharpening their analytical skills, working independently, and demonstrating knowledge of the subject

Study Abroad:

Students may be granted credit for the satisfactory completion of a prescribed program in duly recognized study-abroad programs, provided each proposal is recommended and approved by the school or department concerned, the study-abroad advisor, and the administrative board. Upon return from study- abroad, students are expected to complete at least 4 credits towards the major at Simmons. If considering language study, students should explore the options as early as possible to assure adequate preparation.

Honor Society

Outstanding students in Spanish may be named to Sigma Delta Pi, the National Spanish National Honor Society, through the Simmons University Chapter, Alpha Beta Tau, established in 2023.